Keep the Fleas Away with Sasanqua Saponin


We want the best for our hairy family friends. Recently, many pet owners became aware of the processed pet’s food and their harmful effects on pet health turning to organic foods.  But some owners have considered if they can do more to protect their furry friends. What about fleas control or ticks control without using harmful chemicals? Have you ever heard about sasanqua saponin? 

Wait, isn't Saponin Toxic to Pets?

Actually it depends. There are different types of saponins that can be derived from different sources. There are some that can be toxic to pets and there are others that are pet friendly. (here's a link to see which is harmful to your pets  The sasanqua saponin is pet friendly and comes from the camellia seed oil. It can be used as an organic pesticide against these nasty pests. 

Are Fleas and Ticks That Bad?

Many of the agents vectored by fleas or ticks have been grown or amplified from blood or have induced antibodies in the serum of normal cats. As high as 80% of fleas collected from cats contain at least one organism that could induce illness in pets and people. (1)

As adults, all fleas are blood-sucking external parasites as most of the  species feed on mammals. “Only adult fleas inhabit the host's body and feed on its blood.  They are active insects with a hard exoskeleton, strong hind legs adapted for jumping, and a laterally flattened body that can move easily within the host's fur or feathers.  Unlike lice, most fleas spend a considerable amount of time away from their host. Adults may live for a year or more and can survive for weeks or months without a blood meal.”(2)

One of the common beliefs is that fleas travel from pets or other mammals. In some cases fleas are brought in from outside sources such as other mammals such as raccoons or possums. However studies have shown that most fleas are traveling by humans, using their clothing as the transportation vehicle. 

Studies show “saponins exert a repellent/deterrent activity, bear digestive problems, provoke insect moulting defects or cause cellular toxicity effects. As a consequence these interesting plant components open new strategies to protect crops in modern agriculture and horticulture with integrated pest management programs against pest insects, either by spraying, or by selecting high-saponin varieties of commercial crops”.(3) Camellia saponins are proven to be an effective method of eliminating hemolytic pests. 

So... What Now?

Sasanqua saponin is pet friendly and comes from the camellia seed oil. It can be used as an bio-pesticide against these nasty pests. Sasanqua saponin can help reduce the amount of fleas and ticks in your home. To protect both your loved ones and your furry ones.  


1. Veterinary Parasitology”. Vol. 254, 30 April 2018, Pages 26-29


3.  Geyter, Ellen & bullet, Ellen & Lambert, & bullet, Danny & Geelen, Danny & bullet, Guy & Smagghe, Guy. (2007). Novel advances with plant saponins as natural insecticides to control pest insects. Pest Technology. 1.

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