Preventing Stretch Marks

Preventing Stretch Marks image with pregnant woman

What are stretch marks? 

Stretch marks are a result of growth in your body, and can appear anywhere. One of the most common causes of stretch marks come from pregnancy, particularly around 13 to 21 weeks of carrying that little miracle of yours.  

What causes stretch marks? 

When there is rapid development in your body, the supporting layers of tissue beneath your skin are unable to keep up, resulting in stretch marks. Keep in mind that these streaks are completely natural, and a majority (50 to 90%) of expecting women will experience them not only on their bellies, but even on the breasts and thighs. Again, these marks are completely natural and do no harm. If you would rather minimize them, we have some info to help out. 

How can I minimize my stretch marks? 

To minimize stretch marks, it’s important to nourish the affected area by boosting the production of collagen, keeping it moisturized and hydrated, as well as by maintaining a healthy diet.  

  • Boost collagen production 

Collagen is essential in skin elasticity and hydration, and is found in the layers beneath the top layer of skin.  Products like Tretinoin cream can help restore collagen, but can cause skin irritation and shouldn’t be used during pregnancy. Furthermore, topical creams have a hard time penetrating the epidermis. Instead, Camellia oil has been proven to boost collagen production and keep the skin healthy. 

SEE: Camellia Oil: The Key to a Better Skin Care Routine 

  • Stay moisturized & hydrated

Keeping your skin moisturized and hydrated allows it to have a soft and smooth texture. Dry skin can lead to wrinkles and will put up less of a fight against toxins. In addition to drinking lots of water, use camellia oil to prevent trans-epidermal water loss, as proven in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. It’s been proven to keep your skin moisturized longer, meaning keeping your skin soft longer.

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